Wanna Be PhD

PhD 2006. Now fully blown by the Postdoc Experience.

Location: My Appartment, Academic Nowhereland

Email: wannabephd@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A bad day again

I should have gone to My Department today, I need a copy of a certain article. Instead, I spent the day in bed, having the flu and the usual back pain.

Then, BitchColleague called me. I thought she wanted to chat and be friends again, but she only wanted V's phone number. She just hung up after I gave it to her. I hate her. She always talks to me as we were real friends when we see each other at My Department. But were not and I hate her for being a dishonest bitch.

I hate V too. She fucks My Mr. Perfect.

Well, just another bad day.


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