Wanna Be PhD

PhD 2006. Now fully blown by the Postdoc Experience.

Location: My Appartment, Academic Nowhereland

Email: wannabephd@gmail.com

Sunday, November 28, 2004

X-mas horror

I am the biggest x-mas hater ever. Last year I smashed the Advent wreath my mom gave me as a present. Today, the awfulness is no longer to avoid. They started playing "Last Christmas" from Wham on the radio. Soon they will have it every twenty minutes.
I hate this song!
I hate all christmas songs!

The city is full of glowing christmas trees and christmas lights. Yuck!
And on every corner there is a christmas market. The first ones have opended two weeks ago. It is really hard to get through the city without seeing or hearing them.

On Saturday, I met a Santa when I was shopping for food.

I absolutely have no x-mas decoration in my appartment. I don't even want to celebrate christmas eve, but my family puts pressure on me.

And I'm pissed that it's dark all the time. The sun goes down at about 4:15 pm. Getting worse every day for the whole next month.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's with the christmas hatred? I mean, it's fine. if you hate it you hate. I don't care. but what's up with that?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004 8:59:00 AM  
Blogger Wanna Be PhD said...

The problem is that you can't avoid all the christmas-stuff around here. If something annoys me, I usually try to avoid it. But as I can't avoid all that awful celebration stuff, I get angry.

Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:15:00 PM  
Blogger hallsarah204@gmail.com said...

What exactly doesn't let you move forward? We all get angry, and it's fine... We forget it quickly, and continuously move forward a single step :) Our http://www.proof-reading.services can be helpful for your academic purposes!

Wednesday, May 04, 2016 1:20:00 AM  

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