Wanna Be PhD

PhD 2006. Now fully blown by the Postdoc Experience.

Location: My Appartment, Academic Nowhereland

Email: wannabephd@gmail.com

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Ok, it is a bit late, but still. Some reflections on 2005 and a wishlist for 2006.

2005 was really, really good. Finally this whole dissertation-supervisor drama worked out. Now that I see my way through, I am a much nicer person. I have started to have more social relations since then. I have a collaboratorix now. We're publishing. I got a paper accepted and one printed and I presented at a Very Important Conference of my field. I managed the whole trip to Another Town. And I even start to like planes again! I really enjoy my profession and I enjoy the travelling.

My wishlist for 2006 is rather short. I do not want to write a list that I should clean my apartment more often or that I should exercise more and eat less junk food. I just wish that I enjoy things more and that I take my time for everything, including eating, exercise, working and cleaning. Even cleaning can be nice, since I love all the stuff that I have in my apartment, so when cleaning, I can say hello to all my books and papers and stuffed animals and whatever.
I do believe that enjoying things more will help me in the process of maintaining my weight and my work.


Blogger a gaijin in nihon said...

This is a positive attitude.
I enjoyed reading through your blog and I am happy for you that you are enjoying your PhD now :).

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 2:58:00 AM  

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