I have to tell you a good story.
Last week, after a play of Sarah Kane I was waiting for the underground, when a stranger approached me. In fact, he started to the guy sitting next to me, because he was reading a booklet on Sarah Kane. The stranger wanted to give away his ticked for another play of Sarah Kane. I interrupted them and screamed: Yes pleeeeeeeeease, I wanna have it!! I will buy it, if you want.
The stranger didn't want any money.
So I saw another play of Sarah Kane, namelly
When I got into the theatre, I asked the guy sitting next to me if he knew the person who was supposed to sit on my place. The man only spoke English, so apparently, he didn't know the stranger who gave the ticket to me.
It turned out that the man was
Aleks Sierz who is a theatre critic and who has written a book on Sarah Kane.
So I started talking how much I appreciate the plays.
He kept asking me if I was a student and I sais, yes a graduate student, but not from Another Town but from My Home Town. And I'm doing not Theatre Studies. I guess he didn't believe me, because he kept asking me if I really have nothing to do with theatre.
I told him that I found his book on google when I searched for Sarah Kane.
I guess he is really famous in theatre business, and I just didn't know. That's why I just chatted to him and he was very surprised.
Anyway, very exciting!! Usually I am not such an outgoing person, talking to strangers...