Big Prof from US has arrived. Is going to give a series of lectures, the first one starting in 2 hours.
I've got to go to My Department. Haven't been there for over a month. Going to see Ex Supervisor. Going to see all those assholes who make my academic life here like hell.
Dear collegues, I know all of you will smile into my face, pretending we're all best friends. I know you are lying. I know that all of you do not answer my email, do not pick up the phone when I'm calling, do not want to go out with me. I know you don't like me (but I don't know why).
Today I will hate you back!!!!I'm NOT gonna try and be nice and friendly and begging for you to be friends with me. I'm NOT.
I don't need people who don't like me. I have now New Supervisor, I have some but few other, private friends.
I am an ok person. It is YOU who are the assholes.
I really hate to go to the department today, but I've got to see Big Prof.